Webster’s New Twenty-first Century Dictionary defines Sub-Rosa as “secretly, privately; in a manner that forbids disclosure;” Sub-Rosa is often referred to as “surveillance.”
There is no substitute for concrete visual evidence to document activities when they relate to persons, places or things. When there is a need for such evidence, there is no equivalent to the results achieved by Covert Special Investigations.
When conducting surveillance investigations, the methods, equipment, and personnel of Covert Business Solutions blend together experience and technology for maximum results. Our surveillance specialists are trained in the use of highly sensitive state-of-the-art video equipment which delivers 1080p quality. We have cameras capable of producing a HD quality video at great distances and when necessary, discrete covert video can be obtained from inside of public venues. We provide updates from the field as well as a detailed summary of each days activity. Once a case is completed, we provide you with a detailed report which summarizes the events, as well as provide a detailed accounting of the subjects activity with still photos or subjects, vehicles, residences and activity.